Saturday, April 13, 2013

RaspberryPi, Boblight, and the WS2801 LED - Follow up

(game isn't using boblight leds)

Had some time this weekend to follow up on some of the comments from my last post.

Gregory posted a link to this excellent tutorial. Allowing boblight and xbmc to run off the same pi.

cell phone camera doesn't capture the colors correctly but you get the idea:


  1. It seems to lag a bit doesn't it?

  2. ha, I think I uploaded the wrong video from my phone. This was taken before I finished the update I linked. It doesn't lag at all now.

  3. Hi! I've read all the article on that subject that i could but i still can't find an answer and i don't want to use money for something that won't work. So i need your advise.

    Question : i just don't want to use xmbc , i'm more vlc and powerdvd for bluray, so is it possible to make the pi working with prismatik on the pc side and i-dont-know-what on the pi side? If i try to compile the adalight code on the pi do you think i can manage all the thing to work together ?

    THanks in advance


    This tutorial from adafruit uses the same lights but uses an Arduino and PC for the lights instead of the raspberry pi.

  5. That is furthermore a good submit that i actually appreciated studying. It isn't each day that we hold the chance to find out one thing.
